Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Taxol Treatment Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Nicole's last treatment of Palitaxel or Taxol. I am really excited that she get's two weeks off to rest. I am taking one of those weeks off work, and we will be leaving to watch the SF Giants get ready for the upcoming baseball season. It is a much needed break for both of us.

Again, Thank you all for your generosity, and support. We both feel so much better since telling everyone what is going on. It has been a new freedom for me to just let people help in whatever way they can. It has also been amazing for us to get to know each others communities outside of our common friends, and watch everyone come together. Thanks for helping us along...


mama2duke&beck said...

Thank YOU both for sharing the intimacy of your journey. The more we are able to make people realize the realities of cancer, the more we've done our jobs.

Love to you all.....
xox said...

Love u guys!