Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Taxol Treatment Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Nicole's last treatment of Palitaxel or Taxol. I am really excited that she get's two weeks off to rest. I am taking one of those weeks off work, and we will be leaving to watch the SF Giants get ready for the upcoming baseball season. It is a much needed break for both of us.

Again, Thank you all for your generosity, and support. We both feel so much better since telling everyone what is going on. It has been a new freedom for me to just let people help in whatever way they can. It has also been amazing for us to get to know each others communities outside of our common friends, and watch everyone come together. Thanks for helping us along...

A visit with Josh Staples and Sara Sanger

So, something amazing thing happened on the way to the benefit. The Velvet Teen agreed to play at the show in Sonoma County on June 25th. I ran into Josh Staples (The Velvet Teen & The New Trust) and Sara Sanger (Photographer & Guitar player in The New Trust) tonight at the Great America Music hall. I had a great time talking with them, and being reassured that every thing is going to be ok. They also told me that their band The New Trust will be playing a week of shows with the Smoking Popes in March, check out tour dates at the link above. Totally amazing people, as well as amazing and creative artists and musicians. I could not help but share the joy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We have the best friends in the world

Mari Praus emailed me early this morning with this amazing list of items and services for Satori Yoga's Event on March 13th:
I will be donating my time as a massage therapist on the day of the Satori fundraiser, 30 min massages, all monies will go to Nicole. I will also be providing a "Hippocrates" gift basket: Pink Himalayan Bath Salts (pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness), a series of 5 1-hour massages, 15ml Lavender Essential Oil , Real Sea Bath Sponge $10, Bath Pillow, and a pre-bath Dry Brush (total value $500). This is based on Hippocrates prescription... "The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage everyday." I will donate two in honor of the two weeks she wants to be at Hippocrates.

Mari is literally a life long friend of Nicole, they lived a few blocks from each other in Stockton, CA. When Mari heard the news of Nicole's diagnosis she was here with in a few days to offer aroma therapy, massage, help with the house, and moral support! Mari is family to us, and although this generosity does not surprise me, it is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Photos by Amelia

These photo's were taken over two days during the very beginning of Nicole's treatment. Our dear friend Amelia Kennedy is the photographer. I don't think captions are necessary.

Friday, February 25, 2011

event at satori is in 3 weeks

So the gifts for the auction keep coming in. I just got a list from one of Nicole's oldest friends, Gypsy. This is quite amazing: 1. Relaxation/Tea gift basket with tea cup, teas, incense, candles, and such 2. Coffee basket with organic coffee, french press, maybe biscotti and reuseable coffee mug and reuseable cold cup/smoothie cup 3. Vintage kitchen basket with vintage kids cookbooks, recipe box, retro apron, dishtowels, tools and maybe I'll add a baking mix in a cool retro box or something 4. Reuseable insulated grocery tote with a $50 Trader Joe's gift card 5. Guatemalan-style hand bag/basket 6. "Wine" basket with wine or if that's not kosher- sparkling juice or something and cobalt blue wine goblets or maybe these cool handmade clay ones I found while thrifting with some chocolate snacks (let me know about the wine idea please) 7. Gluten-free baking basket with handthrown pottery mixing bowl and stuff to bake it up.

I am not joking, this is from one person! I am posting a photo of Nicole & Gypsy from 5th Grade (note they are wearing matching outfits), these two are connected like very few people I have ever met. They are like sisters. The first time I met Gypsy I was almost as nervous as when I met Nicole's Dad for the first time. They have lived together, shared great times and great tragedy. Thank you Gypsy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

our little neighborhood rocks

As many of you know we live way out in the Outer Sunset. Nicole dragged me back out here after a couple of years down town. We love our little neighborhood, and especially our neighborhood businesses. We spend countless hours hanging out at Judahlicious, and Shopping Other Avenues. We eat at Beach Burrito, rent movies (currently freakonomics) from Top Video World and I get my coffee on the weekends from Trouble Coffee. We hang out and talk to Joe at Sea Breeze. Many of the business owners & workers have literally watched our little family grow up and treated us like family. Today takes the cake. Other Avenues is Donating a gift certificate to Nicole's event on March 13th at Satori. We do live in a real neighborhood in San Francisco! These people are family, straight up.

So long for now hair...

Today Nicole let our friend Rachel shave what was left of her hair. The good news is it will grow back, likely thicker than ever. This photo was taken tonight with her newly acquired bandana (thanks again Rachel). When I look at this photo I understand the words beauty and grace in a whole new way.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A note from Nicole

Dear everyone,

Just completed round 11 of chemo. I have been fortunate to have someone with me each week. Yesterday I had the experience of being by myself, which turned out to be a great experience. It is really easy to slip into self pity, but not so yesterday, as I was able to catch up on all the post and feel so supported by you!

I am very grateful. The kindness, generosity, and love, has seriously waken me up to what I desire to be more like. You are all so awesome!

My Yoga teacher Sharon Gannon shares this quote often, " The best way to uplift your life is by uplifting the life of others!"

Thank you for uplifting my life. You are a shining example of this quote!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All is quiet on the Western Front

As I write this I can hear Nicole singing Amazing Grace to Kaitlin in the other room. It seems that the tumor is still shrinking, good news! Though we continue to get conflicting treatment plans and possible outcomes from the medical team. I know they are doing the best they can, but it is really frustrating. One place we don't get conflicting words is from our friends and family, it is 100% Support all the time.

We are allowing people to donate to our cause anonymously, but you know who you are, and thank you. Another couple of weeks worth of acupuncture, fresh juice and day care have arrived by way of paypal in the last few days. I cannot express how much this helps take the pressure off.

Second to last Taxol Treatment 2.22.2011

Nicole is one treatment away from finishing Taxol. This is good news for a few reasons:
1. She reacted well the treatment, her tumor shrunk more than expected.
2. She get's two weeks off chemotherapy to be sort of normal.
3. This means she only has 4 treatments before heading off to Hippocrates Health Institute for some serious detox.

Go Nicole!!!


As I mentioned before, there are two events planned to help offset the cost of some of the treatments that are not covered, co-pays, etc. The first one is at Satori Yoga Studio in San Francisco, March 13th, 1-3pm. See previous post for details. The second is going to be at the Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art & Politics In Santa Rosa on June 25th. The Event in SR is shaping up to be monumental! Confirmed So Far, The Velvet Teen, Jeff Ott, The 50/50's. Ton's of great auction and raffle items, a community yoga class taught by the woman of the hour herself, Nicole Trust me there will be some surprises at this one. Very Exciting Stuff!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wholesome Bakery Rocks!

These are the types of goodies Nicole can eat, and boy aren't we lucky to have such a huge healthy food community in SF.
Wholesome Bakery's Site


We are holding two benefits, one at Satori Yoga Studio where Nicole will be teaching a donation-based class. This should be a fun day, click the photo for detials. The second is in Santa Rosa on June 25th, and will feature The Velvet Teen, and some very special guests, at the Arlene Francis Center.