Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nicole writes from Hippocrates

Hi everybody! I've been meaning to write about my experience on the flight to west palm beach. The flight was originally scheduled to land in w. Palm beach, but due to a storm they had us circling in the air outside the airport for an hour. Gas was running low, so we had to fly to Miami to fuel up. People were beginning to freak out, fears were running wild, plans were taking another turn. The poor guy in the row next to me had been praying the entire flight.

Once landed in Miami, no one was allowed to exit. So we were all stuck together in the same boat. Cell phones whipped out, people were anxious and standing up. It was actually kind of cool. After some complaining finished, there was nothing left to do but talk to those around you. In the 45 mins we were stuck on ground I had the best time listening to others talk about themselves, where they were from, what they did for work, or just whatever. It was such an uplift talking with others. A unity came from a annoying disturbance. It was the best part of the flight!
I kind of feel this way about my cancer. It's a huge disturbing annoyance from my day to day routine, but as a result I feel more unity and compassion with everybody.

Thank you for showing me so much love in so many awesome ways! I am Very grateful.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Nicole. I'm looking forward to meeting you. The best of healing to you!!!
-Miriam, Brian's sister