Monday, December 19, 2011

New From Nicole

I just read Andy Pohl's interview and once again was warmed with gratitude. This whole cancer thing has been an real trip. It's been a year since the diagonois. Sometimes it seems like eternity and other days, it seems like no time at all.
I recently went back to my yoga teacher Katchie Ananda, after thinking I would never do yoga again. I couldn't grasp that I had cancer, after being vegan for 10 years, sober 17, and practicing and teaching yoga for several years. It just didn't make sense. Which is my experience with cancer. It just doesn't make sense, and through surrendering major resentments, driven by a 100 forms of fear, I have finally come to the place of " fuck it". "Fuck it" in the best, freest nature possible. I was becoming obsessed and super rigid with the food I ate (primarily raw), and rigid with Kaitlin, and what she ate. What began to happen was total bondage and isolation. So with paining over trying to be super healthy, I have recently found a new freedom in completely letting go, by getting rid of my fears that were running riot. Thank god for this, because the fears were going to kill me, not the cancer.

I have been forced to really be in the present moment, and found out that this is all that really exist. It is to easy to get caught up in fears about the future, based on the wreckage of the past.

I am glad to be sitting here on the computer, not thinking about anything but written this blog. It has taken a lot of work to get here, and the assistance I have received from YOU, everyone, has helped me so much along this awesome path.

Thank you!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

some great press

So our friend Andy Pohl, from Sell The Heart Records got interviewed for AMP Magazine about the upcoming Nostalgia Fest. Great Interview Andy and thank you for the mention. We are so lucky to have friends like you.

Check the Interview out Here

Support Andy's Label buying one of the releases by the great bands he works with Here

And go ahead and buy your tickets Here
DO IT NOW! Go, hurry, do it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Upcoming Show to Benefit The Phoenix Theater & Nicole

We are very happy to share that my dear friends Michael Houghton, and JD Clem are doing Nostalgia Fest 2011 on December 30th at the Phoenix, with the proceeds of the show to benefit The Phoenix Theater and Nicole!
Go Here to buy tickets

This is going to be one hell of a night. One of the seminal political punk bands from the late 1980's and 1990's Fifteen will be reuniting for this show. As some of you know Jeff Ott has been a close friend to my family for over 20 years. He has literally been there for me personally through thick and thicker. During My years of rehab, incarceration and eventual recovery, Jeff was always there, reminding me that I was not alone. During Nicole's illness Jeff gave me access to his vast resources as a medical student to help me understand what I could expect and what kind of treatment options we had. This is not only a great show from a fan's standpoint it is very personal to me. I can't thank Jeff enough for doing this.

The Wunder Years, The Grady Sisters and Siren will be performing as well as Kalifornia Redemption, Mainstream Trend.

The Phoenix Theater was my home in the late 80's and 90's I played and saw more shows there than any other venue. When we did our show in June, Tom basically said "welcome home, Kev. We are always here for you and this is the place where you should do this" I could not be happier to be able to give back to the Phoenix.

See you all there!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

That is how I am feeling right now, today. It was just about a year ago when Nicole got her diagnosis. I was at work, and Amelia Kennedy called me. I was in utter shock, and I think that shock lasted through most of the treatment she endured for 9 Months. I am not sure if the pain of the original news has fully faded. Some mornings I wake up and forget that any of this happened, some mornings it is all I think about.

Today is a day that I am feeling sort of reflective I guess. It is the day that Nicole gets her first haircut since chemo, the day of the first Siren practice for the last show we will ever play, and a few days before beautiful Kaitlin's 3rd Birthday.

I am, in my opinion one of the most fortunate people on earth. I have an amazing loving family, and the best friends/community ever.

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update from Nicole

Hi everyone,

I've been on the run since my return from Hippocrates Health Institute. I was feeling so good with chemo finished and the major detox at Hippocrates that have not wanted to even think about the rest of the treatment. Fairfax has been my hang out. Awesome little Hippie town I hope some day to possibly live in ( or maybe Petaluma! ) . The shaded summer day's with a nice warm breeze have been a life saver from the damp cold fog of summer in San Francisco. There is super good raw food restaurant, Lydia's raw food Kitchen, where Kaitlin and I spend hours. Than off to the creek park. Fairfax has a great play ground that's shaded for the hot summer day's. We stay all day, sometimes until dark. I LOVE warm summer nights.

I have been enjoying my time so much with Kaitlin and Kevin, especially after being sick from chemo, that I just keep going and going.

Today was my first visit back to Doctor's after postponing for last 3 weeks. My surgery is scheduled for Monday June 27th. I really needed time to clear away more fear and resentment, so I'm glad I took these last weeks to just kick back in Hippie ville having fun with snugs.

It really prepared me for today's visit. I felt less fearful talking with Doctors, and less victimized by my resentment. As of now, I will be going through with the operation which will be a lumpectomy followed by radiation.

I just clicked on FB and saw this amazing Cigar Box Guitar Jason Farthing made. A big Holy Cow You rock to Jason! Thank You.

Once again, I am so impressed by all of You. Everyone has been so helpful and kind in the own unique way. I would never be able to do this with out your help!

Let's have a blast at the show! The Bands that are playing are AWESOME.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Auction is Finally Up

We have some amazing prizes up already, and more to come! Go HERE TO SEE AND BID

We will be moving the auction from online to the Phoenix the night of the show, so if you really want one or more of the items you can either:
A. Bid super high so that no one can out bid you
B. Come to the show
C. Get someone to be your proxy

Good luck and happy bidding

oh yes the info to join the auction
Auction ID: MusicHeals
Password: nicole

Tickets for the show are now on sale through TicketFly and will be at The Phoenix Box Office and The Last Record Store as of this Memorial Day Weekend. Go get 'em, our goal is to sell the place out and show Nicole how much love and support she has as she goes into phase two of treatment!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nicole writes from Hippocrates

Hi everybody! I've been meaning to write about my experience on the flight to west palm beach. The flight was originally scheduled to land in w. Palm beach, but due to a storm they had us circling in the air outside the airport for an hour. Gas was running low, so we had to fly to Miami to fuel up. People were beginning to freak out, fears were running wild, plans were taking another turn. The poor guy in the row next to me had been praying the entire flight.

Once landed in Miami, no one was allowed to exit. So we were all stuck together in the same boat. Cell phones whipped out, people were anxious and standing up. It was actually kind of cool. After some complaining finished, there was nothing left to do but talk to those around you. In the 45 mins we were stuck on ground I had the best time listening to others talk about themselves, where they were from, what they did for work, or just whatever. It was such an uplift talking with others. A unity came from a annoying disturbance. It was the best part of the flight!
I kind of feel this way about my cancer. It's a huge disturbing annoyance from my day to day routine, but as a result I feel more unity and compassion with everybody.

Thank you for showing me so much love in so many awesome ways! I am Very grateful.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bye, Bye Chemotherapy

Today was the last day of Chemotherapy. That does not mean Nicole will be suddenly feeling spectacular, but the last of the poison has been infused and now it's only a few short weeks until she heads to Hippocrates Health Center in West Palm Beach, FL. Then a few weeks after that our big show in Petaluma.

I want to tell each and everyone of you that has helped us, watched Kaitlin, brought food, called, emailed, facebooked, text messaged, thought good thoughts, prayed, sent donations, and generally just loved us: THANK YOU! To say I have not shed my share of tears, yelled, kicked, screamed, been stuck in self pity, and had a few laughs at this situation would be a lie. What I have come to realize is that for every emotion I have had, I have also had someone to share it with. I am one fortunate man. Just to put it on the record: I would walk to the ends of the earth to help each and every one of you if that time comes.

I absolutely need to thank Nicole's Mom Paula LeVeck. She has made the trek down from Stockton to watch Kaitlin during almost every one of Nicole's infusions. This is a long drive to take care of one active two year old. We were not always outwardly grateful to Paula, in fact, many weeks we were frustrated, irritated, arguing with each other, and just generally unhappy. Paula has been an absolute rock, and while I know that being here for her daughter was also meaningful to her, she deserves our deepest gratitude. She also deserves a very personal thank you from me, for listening to me complain and never once judging me for my over reactions or anger.

And my parents, who have a lot going on for retired people. Thank you for being there, especially this last weekend, when I really needed some time to myself.

This has been an extremely trying 5 months for everyone at our house, but most of all Nicole. She has been the living definition of grace under pressure. Kaitlin knows mommy is not feeling well, but has not once had a lack of love and attention. Fact: Nicole got 2hrs of chemo today, and is reading books and giggling with Kaitlin right now.

On to phase 2.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Donations for Silent Auction & Raffle

I am looking through all of the offers and the donations so far for the Silent Auction and Raffle for the event on June 25th @ the Phoenix in Petaluma. I am blown away. Here is a list so far and the person responsible for securing or donating. If you want to add to it, let me know and we will be happy to relieve you of the burden of carrying around extra stuff and services!
1. $100 "Corporate Chair Massage"-Tara Coleman Massage-Michal Wulftange

2. $100 Dining Certificate-Scala's Bistro-thx to Bruce Fisher

3. "2 pm Stay!" at The Brisbane/SFO Radisson Hotel -Michal Wulftange

4. $50 Dining Certificate-Rose Pistola Restaurant-Michal Wulftange

5. "Brunch for 2 at The Cliff House"-thx Josh Seare

6. 2005 Picaro Cabernet (1 btl) & $25 Dining Certificate for Pica Pica Maize Kitchen-Adriana & I

7. (5) "Bullet" Shoeshine Gift Certificate-thx Shine and Co/Rachel Leamy

8. "Wash, Haircut & Blowdry" Gift Certificate- via Nena at Dylan's Hair Salon/Burlingame-Michal Wulftange

9. $30 Gift Certificate-Peninsula Beauty Supply Store Co.-Michal Wulftange

10. 3 $100 Gift Certificates from various artists at Everlasting Tattoo-Jeery Ilkenhons

11. House Cleaning Service by Tinuviel Kruse

12. Box of Signed Metallica Merchandise-Toby Stapleton

13. 2 Brand New Skateboard Decks from Deluxe-Shannan Assad

14. Window Washing Gift Certificate From Eric Strand

15. Photos by Hagle Heather

16. One painting by Caui Lafgren

17. 1 night stay at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel on Union Square-Bruce Fisher

18. Ticket Package for 49ers or Giants (TBA)-Carol Bost

I am sure I am forgetting something...

Soon I will figure out a way to auction some of these off online, until then, we will keep you all posted.

I also got to visit my favorite printers at Second Wind Printing in Santa Rosa Today. Matthew Izen was working on the design for the event. Jayson, Spike and Sarah were rocking it in the shop. With out these guys, Michal, and Lila this whole event would be next to impossible. Thanks does not begin to cover my deep gratitude for all of you! Each of your unconditional help and support has been a source of strength and inspiration!

Our friend Amelia will be there taking photo's! Here is a sample photo she took of Kaitlin.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2nd to last A/C

I just completed my second to last chemo infusion. I just looked up the definition of the word infusion. There is the typical meaning of a slow injection into the vein or tissue, but also it means the introduction of a new element or quality in something. That is my experience with being diagnosed with cancer. A new element and quality. I have been forced to get free. It's the old saying either sink or float. When I find myself sinking into the mire of self pity I have had to take some serious action. For the last 12 years of my 16 years sober i have been practicing the 12 steps on a daily basis. They are amazing. Not only have I remained sober from a fatal disease of alcoholism, but I have had the opportunity to face and be rid of wreckage as it comes up, including cancer.

When I arrived at the Infusion center today, I wanted to leave so bad. Everything in me wanted to run. I felt sick, resentful, and extremely fearful. I just felt like I couldn't take another round of this shit.
Anyhow, I was in tears and once again I had to whip out pen and paper and get those fears down on paper. As I was surrendering my resentments and fears I was able to remain in the infusion center and get the chemo.
I am so glad because I do have a desire to live and be free of anything that limits me in this life.
Cancer has been a rude and awesome awakening of what I want to be free of.
Thank God for Kevin and Amelia being there with me assisting me to make it through another round. And Thank you to everyone for staying tuned on FB, coming over to help, watching Kaitlin, bringing love and life to me in the face of seemingly death.
I am so grateful to you all.
P.S. I hope i don't bore you with this blog.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lunch and other gifts

Our friend Michal came by my office today with lunch from Pica Pica. She also dropped of a $100 gift certificate for a chair massage from Tara Coleman as an auction item. We are so lucky to have such amazing friends and family support.

Nicole's Birthday is today! Happy Birthday!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


It seems like it has been a while since I posted here. Nicole had a pretty nasty cold last week, so treatment was skipped. I think she needed the break, and it has been nice to have her closer to normal this week. We spent the morning in The Mission, eating at Cafe Gratitude, and buying books for Kaitlin. Then we stubbled across this SF Parklet

We hung out and Nicole read books to Kaitlin and passers by. It was seriously awesome.

Friday, March 25, 2011

to the grandma's love nicole

There are a couple very special women that I have been meaning to write about. That would be Grandma Paula and Grandma Mosey. Both of these ladies regularly visit to assist me with Kaitlin.
Kaitlin loves to see her grandma's, she always greets them with a big hug.
Both my mom and mosey help with cleaning along with watching snugs. This is doubly awesome. It has been amending for me to have my mom stay at our house, as she has seen me through the worst times in my life, and has always been there with loving arms!

I am so grateful to you ladies and Kaitlin adores you both.

She also loves grandpa buba and grandpa Tommy!



From Nicole

I just read Kevin's blog. I was so inspired I needed to write myself. Yes, a huge thank you to all the bands, Tom Gaffey, Matthew and Lila.

Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me through this battle. I really sank into a self pity/ resentful state last week that took me down harder than the chemo.
I have found through this journey continual support which has assisted me to get up and out physically and mentally. It is to easy to slip into depression, which in itself can be fatal, so I am extremely grateful to have made it to the other side. I could not have done this without you.

Also, I wanted to express a major THANK YOU to Kevin. I can't imagine what this is like for you, but I assume it is very difficult. I have been extremely challenging to be around since you've known me, but more so lately with the added stress.



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Event in Petaluma June 25th

As I have mentioned we have a solid line up for the event in Petaluma. The Velvet Teen, Siren, Cropduster, aim low kid/stoner dad, and the 50/50's, throw in a little Jeff Bretz, a silent auction and raffle including items from Metallica, Skateboards from our friends at deluxe, some gift certificates from Everlasting Tattoo and much more. We are in for a fun night.

My good friend Jayson Taylor and 2nd Wind Printing in Santa Rosa has taken on the responsibility of posters and screen printed shirts, etc. He sent me the image. Nicole loves elephants.

We are also lucky enough to have the event at The Phoenix, thanks to Tom Gaffey! You can always show your love for them with a donation to support their community programs. Tom has stayed the course and kept the Phoenix the only all ages venue in the North Bay since the 1980's. This is truly a homecoming for me, as a musician, member of the audience and of course as a husband and father. I am so grateful to our fantastic community for making this happen. Oh and a special thanks to Matthew Izen & Lila Cugini for encouraging me to do this.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

kindness always comes back to you

I got home from work to find a big bag of lemons waiting at the door. This is truly one of those life lessons. When I was in high school 22 years ago, there was a new kid that no one talked to right away. Of course we became friends and have remained so through the years. Today he text messaged me telling me that he had lemons from his tree for Nicole's life saving tea. Then he followed up with a message telling me he will never forget that I was the first person that was kind to him at SR High.

Every single thing we do for each other comes back, and often when we least expect it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

AC day 3

So Nicole got her first round of AC on Monday, and spent Monday night in the emergency room. This stuff is nasty. She was still really nauseous today. We have some amazing friends! Rob drove Nicole to the ER. Amelia and KeaLani met her there so I could stay with Kaitlin. Today Kealani and Suzanne came out to the house and helped out. Everyone is sleeping now, and the house seems so peaceful. Sometimes I don't remember what it was like before this, but then I have a night like tonight where everyone is peaceful and resting.

Thank you so much to all of you, and I mean everyone. Your help, thoughts, prayers, and love is what is getting us through this. I am certainly out of patience most days, and one comment on the Facebook page, a phone call or well timed email makes all the difference in the world. I can't honestly imaging how frustrating it is for Nicole to be unable to do the things she normally does with ease. So the love and support of the women in her life has been literally a saving grace. I am posting the photo tonight that was taken by Amelia on Day one of treatment, to remind myself that the last day is 7 short weeks away, and she can say good bye and good riddance.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nicole started A/C today. Thoughts and prayers please.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yoga Fundraiser by Nicole

Today was amazing. I am completely floored by everyone who made this great event happen. A big thank you to Melody for coming up with the idea and Andrea for hosting.
The fundraiser was like a surprise party of goodness. The auction items were incredible. Beautiful gift baskets, massages, in-class private yoga classes, hand made clothing, yoga bags and jewelry, acupuncture, wellness consultation, gift certificates for other avenues coop, Ergonomic assessments, birthing from within classes, and a family photography sessions. Pretty amazing talents were brought together for this very uplifting event!
The yoga class was sweet and filled with emotions. I am still in awe of the support I've had through these very trying times. When I want to give up, there has always been someone there to assist me. I know I would not be able to do this with out your help. Thank you to all that showed up and those who were there in spirit!
I swear I have the best friends in the world. What is healing me most is YOU!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

This has been a rough vacation. Kaitlin is in the hospital with RSV

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A note from Spring Training

Nicole needed the sun, and we got it today. It was 80 and clear, and she feels so much better. That last dose of Taxol really knocked her out. Kaitlin loves it here, and I am, well all I can say is,"Let's Go Giants!" We owe a big thanks to my parents, we could not have afforded to make this trip, and it was really needed.

So two photos. One of Nicole & Kaitlin waiving to everyone on the train, and one of Buster Posey taking his first at bat for the day.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Off to Spring Training

Yesterday was an eventful day. I practiced with Siren for the 1st time in 15yrs, and we prepared for our trip to Arizona to watch the World Champion San Francisco Giants get ready to defend their title (it still sounds good to say that).

As you can all see from the attached photo's, Kaitlin is ready to swim, and Siren is right down to business. Funny how resilient kids are. She was so sick the past few days, and today it's like nothing happened.

I need to give a huge thanks to Melody & Andrea at Satori for coordinating the event on March 13th.

Kaitlin is ready:

Siren is getting there

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Opening A Box of Joy

Nicole opened a box the other day and there were a bunch of hats from Gypsy. Thanks again Gypsy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Benefit at Satori Posted for RSVP

Satori Yoga Studio is doing a great event for and with Nicole on Sunday, March 13th. The details are now posted Here

Please register early if possible so we know how many friends to expect.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bye Bye Taxol

Thanks to everyone's support, Nicole finished round one of treatment. To quote Tim Lincecum, "F**k Yeah!"

Monday, February 28, 2011

Last Taxol Treatment Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Nicole's last treatment of Palitaxel or Taxol. I am really excited that she get's two weeks off to rest. I am taking one of those weeks off work, and we will be leaving to watch the SF Giants get ready for the upcoming baseball season. It is a much needed break for both of us.

Again, Thank you all for your generosity, and support. We both feel so much better since telling everyone what is going on. It has been a new freedom for me to just let people help in whatever way they can. It has also been amazing for us to get to know each others communities outside of our common friends, and watch everyone come together. Thanks for helping us along...

A visit with Josh Staples and Sara Sanger

So, something amazing thing happened on the way to the benefit. The Velvet Teen agreed to play at the show in Sonoma County on June 25th. I ran into Josh Staples (The Velvet Teen & The New Trust) and Sara Sanger (Photographer & Guitar player in The New Trust) tonight at the Great America Music hall. I had a great time talking with them, and being reassured that every thing is going to be ok. They also told me that their band The New Trust will be playing a week of shows with the Smoking Popes in March, check out tour dates at the link above. Totally amazing people, as well as amazing and creative artists and musicians. I could not help but share the joy!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We have the best friends in the world

Mari Praus emailed me early this morning with this amazing list of items and services for Satori Yoga's Event on March 13th:
I will be donating my time as a massage therapist on the day of the Satori fundraiser, 30 min massages, all monies will go to Nicole. I will also be providing a "Hippocrates" gift basket: Pink Himalayan Bath Salts (pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness), a series of 5 1-hour massages, 15ml Lavender Essential Oil , Real Sea Bath Sponge $10, Bath Pillow, and a pre-bath Dry Brush (total value $500). This is based on Hippocrates prescription... "The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage everyday." I will donate two in honor of the two weeks she wants to be at Hippocrates.

Mari is literally a life long friend of Nicole, they lived a few blocks from each other in Stockton, CA. When Mari heard the news of Nicole's diagnosis she was here with in a few days to offer aroma therapy, massage, help with the house, and moral support! Mari is family to us, and although this generosity does not surprise me, it is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Photos by Amelia

These photo's were taken over two days during the very beginning of Nicole's treatment. Our dear friend Amelia Kennedy is the photographer. I don't think captions are necessary.

Friday, February 25, 2011

event at satori is in 3 weeks

So the gifts for the auction keep coming in. I just got a list from one of Nicole's oldest friends, Gypsy. This is quite amazing: 1. Relaxation/Tea gift basket with tea cup, teas, incense, candles, and such 2. Coffee basket with organic coffee, french press, maybe biscotti and reuseable coffee mug and reuseable cold cup/smoothie cup 3. Vintage kitchen basket with vintage kids cookbooks, recipe box, retro apron, dishtowels, tools and maybe I'll add a baking mix in a cool retro box or something 4. Reuseable insulated grocery tote with a $50 Trader Joe's gift card 5. Guatemalan-style hand bag/basket 6. "Wine" basket with wine or if that's not kosher- sparkling juice or something and cobalt blue wine goblets or maybe these cool handmade clay ones I found while thrifting with some chocolate snacks (let me know about the wine idea please) 7. Gluten-free baking basket with handthrown pottery mixing bowl and stuff to bake it up.

I am not joking, this is from one person! I am posting a photo of Nicole & Gypsy from 5th Grade (note they are wearing matching outfits), these two are connected like very few people I have ever met. They are like sisters. The first time I met Gypsy I was almost as nervous as when I met Nicole's Dad for the first time. They have lived together, shared great times and great tragedy. Thank you Gypsy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

our little neighborhood rocks

As many of you know we live way out in the Outer Sunset. Nicole dragged me back out here after a couple of years down town. We love our little neighborhood, and especially our neighborhood businesses. We spend countless hours hanging out at Judahlicious, and Shopping Other Avenues. We eat at Beach Burrito, rent movies (currently freakonomics) from Top Video World and I get my coffee on the weekends from Trouble Coffee. We hang out and talk to Joe at Sea Breeze. Many of the business owners & workers have literally watched our little family grow up and treated us like family. Today takes the cake. Other Avenues is Donating a gift certificate to Nicole's event on March 13th at Satori. We do live in a real neighborhood in San Francisco! These people are family, straight up.

So long for now hair...

Today Nicole let our friend Rachel shave what was left of her hair. The good news is it will grow back, likely thicker than ever. This photo was taken tonight with her newly acquired bandana (thanks again Rachel). When I look at this photo I understand the words beauty and grace in a whole new way.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A note from Nicole

Dear everyone,

Just completed round 11 of chemo. I have been fortunate to have someone with me each week. Yesterday I had the experience of being by myself, which turned out to be a great experience. It is really easy to slip into self pity, but not so yesterday, as I was able to catch up on all the post and feel so supported by you!

I am very grateful. The kindness, generosity, and love, has seriously waken me up to what I desire to be more like. You are all so awesome!

My Yoga teacher Sharon Gannon shares this quote often, " The best way to uplift your life is by uplifting the life of others!"

Thank you for uplifting my life. You are a shining example of this quote!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All is quiet on the Western Front

As I write this I can hear Nicole singing Amazing Grace to Kaitlin in the other room. It seems that the tumor is still shrinking, good news! Though we continue to get conflicting treatment plans and possible outcomes from the medical team. I know they are doing the best they can, but it is really frustrating. One place we don't get conflicting words is from our friends and family, it is 100% Support all the time.

We are allowing people to donate to our cause anonymously, but you know who you are, and thank you. Another couple of weeks worth of acupuncture, fresh juice and day care have arrived by way of paypal in the last few days. I cannot express how much this helps take the pressure off.

Second to last Taxol Treatment 2.22.2011

Nicole is one treatment away from finishing Taxol. This is good news for a few reasons:
1. She reacted well the treatment, her tumor shrunk more than expected.
2. She get's two weeks off chemotherapy to be sort of normal.
3. This means she only has 4 treatments before heading off to Hippocrates Health Institute for some serious detox.

Go Nicole!!!


As I mentioned before, there are two events planned to help offset the cost of some of the treatments that are not covered, co-pays, etc. The first one is at Satori Yoga Studio in San Francisco, March 13th, 1-3pm. See previous post for details. The second is going to be at the Arlene Francis Center for Spirit, Art & Politics In Santa Rosa on June 25th. The Event in SR is shaping up to be monumental! Confirmed So Far, The Velvet Teen, Jeff Ott, The 50/50's. Ton's of great auction and raffle items, a community yoga class taught by the woman of the hour herself, Nicole Trust me there will be some surprises at this one. Very Exciting Stuff!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wholesome Bakery Rocks!

These are the types of goodies Nicole can eat, and boy aren't we lucky to have such a huge healthy food community in SF.
Wholesome Bakery's Site


We are holding two benefits, one at Satori Yoga Studio where Nicole will be teaching a donation-based class. This should be a fun day, click the photo for detials. The second is in Santa Rosa on June 25th, and will feature The Velvet Teen, and some very special guests, at the Arlene Francis Center.